Banking on the IFRC S2030 development, the workshop introduced Futures and Foresight approaches for scanning the humanitarian landscape to identify strategic opportunities and gamechangers impacting humanitarian eco‐system.
During a number of fun filled and highly interactive sessions, the Compact focal points featured both the inter‐generational collaboration as a key principle of meaningful youth engagement within their work and young people’s abilities as co-facilitators of a high‐level and complex processes leading‐up to development of an institution‐wide strategy.
Overall, the participants were encouraged to use their expertise and respective institutional positions to embark on a guided, engaging and non‐linear journey of exploring the game‐changing factors and strategic opportunities that would shape the humanitarian landscape over the next 10 years, and should therefore guide development of the Global 2020‐2030 Strategy for the Compact.
The Workshop is a result of a collaboration between the IPE and Innovation teams and will be the IFRC Secretariat’s contribution towards delivery on its global role as the Compact’s Lead; responsibility stemming from the IFRC Secretary General’s commitment and carried out in partnership with the UNFPA.